Endless Possibilities Blog

Read the Endless Possibilities Executive Coaching blog to learn more about women in leadership, coaching, industry news, and other tips. We share new articles every month. 

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Stuckness (as coined by Helgesen & Goldsmith), can be due to positional lack of leverage on your part, or power over situations, but sometimes we also play a part in keeping ourselves stuck.
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As you begin to set your annual goals for the new year, and evaluate the progress of your leadership career, consider, are you happy with the current state, or are you ready to move forward, but feel like you are either stagnating, or just plain stuck?
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Emotional intelligence, referred to as EI by Daniel Goleman, or EQ, as defined by Stein & Howard is: “A set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.”
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