
Leading Organizational Change

October 29th, 2013 in Organizational Change
Leading Organizational Change

Leaders in organizations everywhere are struggling to cope with the ever increasing pace and complexity of change which is further influenced by the demands of the new global economy, the shrinking planet, and the changing face and diverse expectations of the workforce.

Constantly tasked to shift from the familiar to the unfamiliar, reframing situations not only for themselves, but translating, and deciphering for those they lead, often, as the changes are unfolding around them. It can be like juggling fragile crystal while dancing on the head of a pin!

 The responsibilities of a leader within any change process are four-fold:

  • to help staff understand the need for the change, and to bridge any gaps that may exist - particularly is the change was an imposed one;
  • to support and empower staff by encouraging their participation in the change process;
  • to support staffing in dealing with any social, technical, or political factors that may arise from the change;
  • and, to manage any internal micro-political ramifications factors that may arise.  

Tips for leading change in complex situations:

1. Recognize that the rapid pace of change is here to stay.

2. Realize that coherence making is ongoing and is everyone’s responsibility. 

3. Understand that the focus must be on the changing context.  

4. Don’t jump to conclusions.

5. Leverage the sweet spots: build on existing relationships, and expand your network of collaborative partnerships.

6. Utilize evidence-based, quality driven decision-making and implementation processes.

Contact Endless Possibilities Executive Coaching & Consulting for expert training and coaching in the field of leading change! 

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